Smoked Salmon Recipe
This is the Bradleyt Smoked Salmon recipe, but you can change this up as you see fit, the skies are the limit on this. I smoke for 5 or 6 hours depending on the wood. I also put on some more brown sugar about 3 hours in, so you get a good sweetness to it. Just a good layer on the whole thing. I like to use Alder or Alder and Apple mix. But you can use whatever you want to. I have done 5 hours of Hickory for a good strong smoke flavor. But Alder is my go to wood for this. For Alder I would use 6 or even as much as 7 hours.
Salmon Fillets
1 Cup Course Salt
2 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Pepper (white if you like. Optional)
1 Tbsp Onion Powder (optional)
Add any spices you like
Place your salmon fillets into deep-sided pans (they will give off lots of juice).
Pull the pin bones out so you don’t bite into them while eating.
Use a pair of needle-nose pliers. Just run your fingers along the side of the filet where the rib bones were cut through.
Spread a thick layer of the mix onto the fillets and let them brine overnight, or at least for 8 hours.
The flesh should be firm all over.
Rinse off the remaining brine that didn’t dissolve and place it on the smoker racks.
Dry off with a paper towel as best you can and place it in the fridge to allow the pellicle to form.
Smoke using the following Bradley Smoking guideline: (alder, cherry, or apple bisquettes) for 5 or 6 hours.
100°-120°F (37.8C-49°C) for 1-2 hours, then increase to 140° (60°C) for 2-4 hours, then increase to 175° (79.4°C) for 1-2 hours to finish.